
Wednesday 12 March 2025
Salisbury Foundation Trust



BUGS is the patient support group for burns patients and their families at Salisbury Hospital. We provide support on both Odstock and Sarum Wards and following discharge.

Your donations help us to fund:

  • Emergency Items
  • A Quiet Room
  • Wellbeing Visits
  • Discharge Books
  • Family Days Out
  • Burns Camps for children and young adults.

BUGS is a fund of Salisbury Hospital’s Charity, The Stars Appeal.

Donating Online

Donations can be made using the online donations link on the right.
Please quote BUGS FUND 1223 in the message box, to ensure your donation is allocated to BUGS.

Donations by Cheque

Please make your cheque payable to The Stars Appeal and write BUGS Fund 1223 on the back. Download the donation form and send to:

The BUGS Fund
Stars Appeal Office
Salisbury District Hospital
Odstock Road
Wilts SP2 8BJ

Gift Aid

Please tick the gift aid box as it means that we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give, increasing the amount you donate.
For more information visit: Ìý


Please quote BUGS FUND 1223 in the message box, to ensure your donation is allocated to BUGS. Thank you!




Our staff at Salisbury District Hospital have long been well regarded for the quality of care and treatment they provide for our patients and for their innovation, commitment and professionalism. This has been recognised in a wide range of achievements and it is reflected in our award of ¾¨Ó㴫ý Foundation Trust status. This is afforded to hospitals that provide the highest standards of care.

Person Centred & Safe





¾¨Ó㴫ý, Salisbury District Hospital, Odstock Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 8BJ
T: 01722 336262 E: sft.pals@nhs.net
© 2025 ¾¨Ó㴫ý
Trust Values