Internal Reference Number: FOI_7811
Date Request Received: 11/03/2024 00:00:00
Date Request Replied To: 23/04/2024 00:00:00
This response was sent via: By Email
Request Summary: Melanoma Cancer Care Protocols and Patient Management Details at Trust
Request Category: Private Individuals
Question Number 1: Please could you provide the following information in relation to your delivery of care for patients newly diagnosed with Melanoma cancer at your Trust: Please detail the standard follow-up regime for newly diagnosed melanoma patients (Stages IA-IIB) within your Trust, indicating the frequency of appointments and duration of follow-up (1-5 years) as per your clinical protocols. A table is provided below for your convenience, or you may return the information in an Excel spreadsheet. Melanoma stage Year 1 follow-ups Year 2 follow-ups Year 3 follow-ups Year 4 follow-ups Year 5 follow-ups After year 5 Example IB 2 1 1 1 1 0 IA IB IIA IIB Headings for excel table Melanoma, Year 1 follow-ups, Year 2 follow-ups, Year 3 follow-ups, Year 4 follow-ups, Year 5 follow-up’s | |
Answer To Question 1: Follow up is as per NICE Guidelines NG14 pre and post 27th July 2022. | |
Question Number 2: Which of the following Melanoma NICE guidelines do you currently implement at your Trust/Health Board/other: a. Pre-27th July 2022 NICE guidelines titled 'NG14: Melanoma: assessment and management' Yes or No b. Latest NICE guidelines title 'NG14: Melanoma: assessment and management' released on the 27th July 2022. Yes or No c. Using own Melanoma guideline for the Trust. Yes or No i. If yes, please provide document in PDF format. | |
Answer To Question 2: We use the both sets of NICE Guidelines at present – If a patient pathway commenced the pre 27th July NICE guidelines titled “NG14 Melanoma: assessment and management†they continue on that protocol. If a patient was diagnosed after 27th July 2022 we follow the “NG14: Melanoma : assessment and management†released 27th July 2022. | |
Question Number 3: What is your current waiting time for sentinel lymph node biopsy for those confirmed with any stage melanoma? Please provide measure (Weeks, months etc, but please identify..) | |
Answer To Question 3: Current waiting time for SLNB is 3-6 weeks. | |
Question Number 4: In the last 12 months for stage 2Bs melanoma only, what proportion of them had Pembrolizumab. | |
Answer To Question 4: N/A - we don’t treat melanoma with system treatments at this Trust. | |
Question Number 5: Is ultrasound used in any of the follow up pathways for the stages of Melanoma below for patients in your Trust, please answer Yes or No: - IA Yes or No - IB Yes or No - IIA Yes or No - IIB Yes or No | |
Answer To Question 5: Ultrasound is used in all F/U pathways as required. | |
Question Number 6: For the following ¾¨Ó㴫ý financial year dates, how many melanoma cases per year have been newly diagnosed in your Trust a. 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 | |
Answer To Question 6: Please see our response to Q6 and 7 in the Excel spreadsheet attached. To accompany this answer to question 6 please also see the documents listed below: ![]() | |
Question Number 7: Could you please confirm for your Trust in 2022/23 the following numbers of newly diagnosed Melanoma skin cancer patients and the number of these who have received a subsequent Sentinel Lymph Node biopsy by Melanoma Stage? To help with the completion, we have inserted a table below for ease. Melanoma stage Total patients reviewed Total sentinel lymph node biopsies completed IA IB IIA IIB IIC Please note: To help with this question 6 & 7, the OPCS code for sentinel lymph node is ‘O14.2 + ICD-10 code C43 Malignant melanoma of skin’, then supported by the cancer stage | |
Answer To Question 7: see response in Q6 | |
Please see Attachments: | |
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Our staff at Salisbury District Hospital have long been well regarded for the quality of care and treatment they provide for our patients and for their innovation, commitment and professionalism. This has been recognised in a wide range of achievements and it is reflected in our award of ¾¨Ó㴫ý Foundation Trust status. This is afforded to hospitals that provide the highest standards of care.